Dear Intimadance,
I started my process with a little research about Yoko Ono. More specifically, about John and Yoko and how they were perceived. (None of that research was at all relevant to the piece I presented and was most likely a massive waste of time.) In any case, the story goes that John met Yoko’s art before he met her. At an exhibition at the Indica Gallery in London, John came upon an installation by Yoko, who was at the time an up-and-coming experimental artist. The piece consisted of a ladder that led up to the ceiling, upon which was written one word. When John saw it, he knew he had to meet her. The word was Yes.
There are a lot of no’s in life. There are a lot of no’s in the dance world. I come upon them time and again. Some are crushing, some graze by you, some are barely noticed.
What I found in Intimadance was an oasis of Yes.
Yes, you can develop your wacky idea.
Yes, you can rehearse in the space.
Yes, you can use our projector and yes, we have a computer since yours doesn’t have the right port to project anything.
Yes, we will help you realize this thing you don’t know you’re trying to realize.
Yes, you will have the time you need to make it happen.
Yes, you can do this.
Yes, you’ve done it.
Yes is a powerful word. It was for John. It has been for me. I am still basking in those rays of Yes, hoping to soak them all up, to carry them forward. They have warmed my heart, moved me and made me move.
Thank you.
Portrait #2, Q and A, Intimadance 2017