Love Through Time and Space

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Maybe a dance piece is also a dance peace, as in – a way to make peace with Ori’s almost life-long relationship with dance. Peace and love. And here we come full circle, as dance is love through time and space.Read more

Impressions of Jackie Pink and Black by Ori Lenkinski, written by Jenny Birger

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Interweaving facts, anecdotes, imagery, recordings, and her own interpretation of this complex web of data, Ori’s ghost of Jacqueline Kennedy touched me deeply. It made me think of a beautiful poem I discovered earlier this year called “Bluebird”, by another American icon – Charles Bukowski. It starts like this: “There’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too tough for him. I say, stay in there, I’m not going to let anybody see you.” Jackie Pink and Black feels like opening the cage, enabling us to hear the bluebird sing a little. Read more