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Thoughts on You Look Like You by Yaniv Cohen

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Why do we always want the performance to go to the edge? Why do we ask a woman who has just informed us she is pregnant to jump off a plastic chair in order to reach the ceiling? Why is “explode” the first thing we ask of the clearly angry performer? Why does control always lead to some kind of humiliation or abuse?Read more

Daphna Horenczyk on Project 48- Day 2

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I wonder- is it even possible to have an uncivilized conversation in this situation? Is the participation of the audience in this show a choreographic manipulation meant to distract the viewer or is it a build up to the directed, “uncivilized” conversation that follows? Read more

Morahn Bash on Project 48- Day 1

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Above all, there was that same loneliness that Agadati spoke of. The same inner grief that attacks when cracks of doubt and question marks begin to appear, the worry of not being understood,
and the loneliness that accompanies it.Read more

CW at Project 48

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  In collaboration with Dana Ruttenberg’s Blind Speed Dating event, Project 48, members of the CWW circle attended both Project 48 performances responded in text here. Yulia Frydin, Morahn Bash Danon and Daphna Horenczyk each shares her impressions and thoughts from the Project 48 performances. Program- Day 1 Program- Day 2Read more

Writer’s Workshop

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What is the connection between writing and dance? Can one support the other, harm the other, change the other? Are they separate entities or do they coexist? As choreographers, we are often asked to describe our works, be it in applications for funding, project proposals or program notes. How can we express an largely nonverbalRead more