The A-Genre Festival took place at Tmuna Theater on December 15, 16, 17, 2016. Yoav Grinberg Danced in Ido Tadmor Dance Company, In ‘Tami’ Dance Company, artistic director Nimrod Freed, Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, De De Dance Company and Sally Anne Friedland’s Dance Drama Company.Engaged in teaching dance and invited to teachRead more
Back at home, Barcelona-based Vicens Mayans gives a round-up of highlights from International Exposure. Read more
FROM WHERE TO WHERE? This weekend, CW will hook up with the envelope-pushing A-Genre Festival at Tmuna Theater. Curated by Yair Vardi, this year’s program includes multidisciplinary performances by Rotem Tashach, Smadar Yaaron, Talia Hoffman and more. More to come soon! Read more
Pictures of Common Emotions by Yasmeen Godder: Pictures of After Show Spaces: ROBERTO CASAROTTO Since 2006, Roberto has been director of the dance projects for the Centro per la Scena Contemporanea di Bassano del Grappa (CSC) and Operaestate Festival Veneto. Associate director of Aerowaves, he is aRead more
I could feel all of the thought Dadon put into that bag of popcorn and its torrid interaction with the silvery microwave. I could imagine him planning the coming action, the popcorn bag handed gently to the audience member seated closest to the stage and the slow journey it would make through the crowd, delighting each and every viewer with one, perfect, buttery kernel. What a wonderful addition that would make to the UX of the piece.Read more
‘…Laughing is the closest thing to crying, when laughter is genuine I believe there are values in what generates it.’Read more
‘3 white dresses, 5 white shirts, 5 pair of black trousers, nearly 200 light bulbs hanging, different languages spoken, eight performers.Read more
Creative Writing is honored to collaborate with the Suzanne Dellal Center, bringing the voices of the guests of International Exposure to website. Read more
Elad Schechter catches a quick chat with Iris Erez about the crazy day leading up to her performance of Locally in the Between Heaven and Earth Festival.Read more
Neta Pulvermacher considers the importance of storytelling in response to Ma’ayan Horesh’s What Happened to Cain? and Idan Cohen’s Orfeo in the Between Heaven and Earth Festival. Read more